● An estimated 735 million people in the world faced hunger in 2022; this is - 122 million more people than in 2019, before the global COVID-19 pandemic [link].
● Food security is an essential component of sustainable development that links multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals [link].
● As a major contributor to the Global Burden of Disease, dietary risks were responsible for 22% [95% UI 21–24] of all deaths among adults in 2017 [link].
● Food supply chains exercise vast influence over environmental outcomes - accounting for a quarter of global GHG emissions (Nemecek 2017 Science), a third of global land use, and 90% of freshwater consumption (Hoekstra and Mekonnen, 2012 PNAS).
Ensuring food security for all is a multifaceted and dynamic challenge, connecting economic, social, and environmental sustainability from local-to-global scales. As such, a nexus approach - that incorporates systems thinking and considers multiple dimensions of sustainability together - is essential for holistically evaluating challenges to and progress towards achieving global food security. Despite the fundamental importance of food security in achieving global sustainable development targets, comprehensive knowledge and real-time measurement of food security status and risk remains largely absent. Recent reversals in progress towards eliminating global hunger (including the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflicts) have highlighted key deficiencies in food system resilience and have made addressing issues of food security more urgent than ever. Evaluating the exposure of food security to diverse natural and anthropogenic risk and developing more robust, equitable, and effective food systems must be underpinned by a detailed understanding of where and how food is produced, traded, and consumed. New tools and approaches are needed to support the development of innovative solutions to this ever-evolving challenge.
EarthStat serves geographic data sets that help solve the grand challenge of feeding a growing global population while reducing agriculture’s impact on the environment. EarthStat is a collaboration between the Global Landscapes Initiative at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment and the Land Use and Global Environment lab at the University of British Columbia.
Food Systems Dashboard
The Food Systems Dashboard gives a complete view of food systems by bringing together data from multiple sources. It's now possible to compare drivers, components, and outcomes of food systems across countries and regions, gain insights into challenges, and identify actions to improve nutrition, health, and environmental outcomes.
The Spatial Production Allocation Model is an effective way to map detailed patterns of crop production using much less specific input data. A variety of information sources are used to generate plausible, disaggregated estimates of crop distribution, which are useful for understanding production and land use patterns. Identifying where trends take place is important for understanding why they take place. Using a variety of inputs, SPAM uses a cross-entropy approach to make plausible estimates of crop distribution for 42 crops and two production systems within disaggregated units.
GAEZ v4 is the most ambitious global assessment to date and this Data Portal has been developed to make the database widely and easily accessible for users. It comprises a large volume of spatial natural resources indicators and results of agro-ecological crop analysis. Results are presented in a regular raster format of 5 arc-minute (about 9 x 9 km at the equator) grid cells. Selected maps related to AEZ classification, soil suitability, terrain slopes and land cover are provided at 30 arc-second (0.9 x 0.9 km) resolution. The GAEZ v4 update includes 2010 baseline data comprising land cover, a harmonized global soil database and terrain data, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value. Climatic conditions are based on a time series of historical data of 1961-2010 and a selection of future climate simulations using recent IPCC AR5 Earth System Model (ESM) outputs for four Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs).
Gridded Livestock of the World (GLW)
The Gridded Livestock of the World (GLW) is a peer-reviewed spatial dataset on the global distribution and abundance of livestock species. These data find applications in the fields of food and nutrition security; livelihoods and economic growth; human and animal health and welfare; and natural resources and environment. Several versions of GLW database have been released, reflecting the most recently compiled and harmonized subnational livestock distribution data at each time.
GEOGLAM Crop Monitor
The purpose of Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative (GEOGLAM) is to increase market transparency and improve food security by producing and disseminating relevant, timely, and actionable information on agricultural conditions and outlooks of production at national, regional, and global scales. It achieves this by strengthening the international community’s capacity to utilize coordinated, comprehensive, and sustained Earth observations.
HungerMap LIVE
The World Food Programme (WFP) has unveiled a new tool in its bid to end hunger by 2030: HungerMap LIVE monitors food security in more than 90 countries and issues predictions for places where data is limited. Using the latest metrics on conflict, climate shocks, populations and the weather, HungerMap LIVE aims to identify areas that are currently food insecure or are sliding towards food insecurity. The HungerMap LIVE leverages the power of big data and predictive analytics to track and predict food security in near real-time.
INFER (INsights on Food SystEm Risks)
INFER, developed by ESCAP and the WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, with contributions from UNEP and FAO, offers insights into multidimensional risks affecting three critical food system outcomes: human health and nutrition, ecosystem health and sustainability, and shared prosperity. It assesses risks across six dimensions of food security. Building on 96 indicators, INFER enables tracking of risk and comparison of risk drivers over time, within and across countries, contributing to the tools available for food systems monitoring and for ensuring that food systems resilience-building strategies are risk-informed.
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